Going Through Emily’s Messenger

For a couple weeks, we have been working on a project called Emily’s Backpack. It’s from Mitey so it’s all about mental health and other stuff like that. The situation is this: A girl named Emily has run away from home, sending her family and friends in downwards spiral of confusion and panic. Fortunately enough, we found a suspicious backpack in a cemetery (which was definitely not planted there by the teachers), which we then opened to find a variety of stuff, ranging from useless to vital pieces of information. There was a toothbrush and some clothes, which were completely useless to us. The only thing that mattered was a written letter by Emily,  which was probably written by a teacher. The contents of the letter revealed Emily’s name, an ignorant teacher named Mr Kelly and a friend named Darren. Also Burger King, Burger King was mentioned. From this information, we essentially profiled Emily, using our imaginations to fill the gaps in the letter. From what I think, the whole profiling thing was meant to relate to us as a person, which is where the mental health aspect comes in. We also started doing this daily diary thing, where we write down some worries that we have. To tell you the truth, after the first couple days, I just gave up on trying to make up worries to write down; So I started writing down whatever came up on my mind.  ” I loved that spaghetti last night” or “That new episode of JJK was hype”. As you can see, I just wrote whatever. The diary thing is nonexistent at this point. I guess people just got bored. After the first week, Mrs George had apparently found Emily’s phone. Now we were tasked with recreating the apps of the phone in google slides. The main focus was to basically come up with our own headcanon, using pictures and self-made dialogue. We used information from the initial letter and the profiling work after. I recreated Emily’s messenger, coming up with my own interpretation of Emily’s friends and family. All the names come from a random name generator I found online, because my imagination is not strong enough to come up with good names. It took a surprisingly long time complete, 2 or 3 weeks maybe. Once we had finished, we presented our masterpieces to the rest of the class. Each person had a different view to the story, resulting in a merge of unique ideas. But the most notable and entertaining part was – the funny. Some people, including myself, decided to spruce up our presentation with humor. Some people memed, others added funny dialogue. Then there was me who tried to add both. I don’t know if adults could find it funny, but my class sure did. It just goes to show that Gen-z is humor is truly peak. For the presentation, I just assumed Emily and her friends were just average Gen-z. I could’ve made all the dialogue Gen-z, but that would honestly be unintelligible for Mrs George.  Now that this whole presentation is done, you guys can experience it!

(The ending is rushed. I could’ve fleshed it out more, but I chose not because it had taken up so much time and now I have to catch up on a few things)


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